Review: How to be Parisian Wherever You Are
August 04, 2017How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are: Love, Style, and Bad Habits by Anne Berest
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
"Black is the colour of celebration, the colour of nights that never end."
I think most of the people who has given this book bad reviews didn't quite understand it. This book won't give you lady-like advice, it will not turn you into Femme Fatale or give you a perfect sense of fashion in one night and it will definitely not turn you into a parisian in the blink of an eye. It is not a guide as much as a compilation of thoughts and some advice by four french women; it's all about sass and contradictions and other little details which are part of their identities, so don't expect to find a manifest on french culture inside.
You can't take a book like this too seriously when all of it's contents are precisely about the opposite. It's okay not to agree with every thing written inside, I don't like everything either (aka the cheating part) but don't go around calling on morals when this is pretty much a french version of glorified Sex And The City. I firmly believe it's a very enjoyable reading for people who don't take themselves too seriously, it's still very chic and funny if you actually give it a chance.
Creo que la mayoría de los que le han dado malas reseñas a este libro no lo han comprendido del todo. Este libro no te va a dar consejos elegantes, no te va a convertir en una Femme Fatale o te va a dar un perfecto sentido de la moda en una noche y definitivamente no te va a convertir en una parisina en un cerrar y abrir de ojos. No es tanto una guía como una compilación de penamientos y algunos consejos de cuatro mujeres francesas; es más sobre descaro y contradicciones y otros pequeños detalles que son parte de sus identidades, así no esperen un manifiesto sobre la cultura francesa dentro.
No puedes tomarte un libro como éste seriamente cuando el contenido principal es precisamente sobre lo contrario. Está bien no estar de acuerdo con todo lo escrito adentro, a mí no me gusta todo tampoco (la parte sobre engañar obviamente) pero para qué ir hablando de moral si esto es más o meno una versión francesa de la glorificada Sex And The City. Creo firmemente que es una lectura bastante agradable para alguien que no se toma a uno mismo muy seriamente, es de todas maneras muy chic y divertido si le dan la oportunidad.
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